Ode to Love

Matthew Spira
Nov 21, 2019
Photo by Tyler Nix on Unsplash

Love imprints on the soul.
I don’t think if you’ve ever
genuinely loved someone
that this feeling goes away.
You may want to gouge
both your eyes out with
a sharp stick before doing
anything with them again,
but you still love them.

ODE TO LOVE (original)
Love is an imprint on the soul
I don’t think if you have
genuinely loved someone
that it ever goes away
you may want to gouge your
eyes out with a sharp stick
before ever doing anything
with them again, but
you still love them.

— Matthew S. Spira © 2019



Matthew Spira

Middle-aged dude. Combat veteran & single father. Eclectic career. Poet.