I thought the news that Nicholas Cage will play Joe Exotic was the most perfect batshit story of the week. This is beyond parody.
I’ve been working my way through the audio version of “Boswell’s Life of Johnson” and just last night I listened to the part where Johnson in 1768 explains the ideal wife. He was explaining it from the perspective of what will make a man happy*, which is of course what these 22 Convention idiots are trying to do. So (some) things haven’t changed in 250 years: (some) men will be preening idiots. But I gotta say if my daughter buys into any of this bullshit, I’m going… well, I don’t know what I’d do. Fortunately, my daughter at 13 is already figuring out that boys like this are fucking dweebs.
* Johnson’s marriage in real life was pretty much the complete opposite of what he advised, although they did seem to be happy.