I don’t find Tara Reade’s allegation to be plausible. I say that as someone who was raped as a 12-year-old and didn’t talk about it for 30 years. Her allegation that Biden literally pushed her against a wall and grabbed her by the pussy, for lack of a better way to put it, seems weaponized trolling of both #metoo and Trump’s famous claim of doing just that.
I’ve gone through all the opinion pieces you linked, but more importantly I have read all of Reade’s own writing here on Medium: https://medium.com/@AlexandraTaraReade. People constantly mention her now deleted articles about Putin and Russia, but they don’t talk about her other pieces where she discusses Biden. She consistently describes what she claims happened with Biden across at least three articles, including one from before Biden declared himself a candidate. What she described was certainly hostile workplace environment and inappropriate touching, but what she does not describe is sexual assault.
Like you note, public opinion isn’t a court of law. We all have the right to look at the available evidence, draw our conclusions and act accordingly. You (generic) do you. But I will remind anyone reading this that at this point one of two people is going to be the next President of the United States: Biden or Trump. That’s it.
I will amend this further by stating even if I did find Tara Reade’s claim to be credible, I’d still vote for Biden. I live in Wisconsin, one of the battleground States that will decide the election, so I don’t have a protest vote to throw away. If I don’t vote for Biden, I *will* be increasing Trump’s odds of winning. And that is just unconscionable to me. Any leftist who says there isn’t a difference between a President Biden and a second-term unfettered and unaccountable Trump is simply being dishonest.
But, hey, you (generic) do you.