Matthew Spira
The Daily Kerfuffle
Dec 5, 2020


[HUMOR] If I had to advise a young person going to Basic Training these days, while my technical knowledge is almost certainly outdated after 30 years, I would emphasize that Drill Instructors are the masters of the military aphorism and to enjoy it.

“That which does not kill you… still hurts like a son-of-a-bitch.” (Cheerfully called out from the back of a 5-ton while you are on a backbreaking road march.)

“It’s mind over matter, ladies and gentlemen… I don’t mind, and you don’t matter.” (As you’re doing yet another set of grass drills.)



Matthew Spira
The Daily Kerfuffle

Just a middle-aged dude doing middle-aged things. Poetry repository: 1st collection, The End of the Rainbow, on sale: